Irene & Chris' Travel

Oct 30, 2007


Summer 2007

It is a long drive from Winnipeg to Orillia – 24 hours. The north route goes on the north side of the Great Lakes. It is very scenic but one is always on the lookout for moose on the road and the speed limit is about 80 kph. We never even saw a moose but then we did not drive early morning or late at night when they are most active.

It was great to visit with my son, Grant and his family, Angel and the 3 boys, Tyler, Mitchell & Jarrett.

They have recently moved into their new home

and enjoying all the remodelling and decorating. The boys are very tall, thin and active.

It was a surprise to also visit with Chris' mother and sister from Vancouver in Orangeville. They were visiting Holly (Chris' niece) who is an equestrian trainer. This is picturesque farm and horse country.

We had one more stop - to visit with former Winnipeg friends in London, Maris and Derek
Smith. We always enjoy their hospitality. We took one drive to an artsy town and to the Winter Wheat Gallery. It was most unusual lawn and decorating shop.

Our return to Winnipeg was via the south route (through the USA). The weather was very good and since this is a flat route it takes less time. Entry into the US was smooth with only ½ hr wait, but then the Customs Officer wanted to know what we were doing in Ontario, which was weird as we are Canadians maybe he got mixed


We had hoped to visit friends in Wisconsin but they had gone fishing (literally).

Our two week trip went by very fast.


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